Middle School Play

Middle School Play

It’s time to embrace the holiday season! And there is no better way to do so than watching The Linsly School's very own middle schoolers perform in the play Santa’s…
Thanksgiving Traditions!

Thanksgiving Traditions!

Happy Thanksgiving to the Linsly community! As break is in motion, exciting times with family and friends are spent with a grateful spirit. Have a look in on some of…
Showing Our Support

Showing Our Support

Last week, the Linsly community came together to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! The BCRF’s mission is to fund research for breast cancer, and it is the highest rated…
Celebrating Seniors

Celebrating Seniors

On Thursday, October 19, the Linsly Volleyball team celebrated senior night! The seniors' parents worked together to create extraordinary personalized poster boards for every senior. Each board was decorated with…