Coach, Teacher, & Mentor: Mr. BJ Depew 

Coach, Teacher, & Mentor: Mr. BJ Depew 

Mr. BJ Depew has been making an impact at Linsly in and out of the classroom for 26 years. He is the Algebra lll teacher, as well as the Athletic Director and Head Football Coach. His drive to teach math came from majoring in Mathematical Sciences and Math at college. As a coach and lifelong fan of Linsly football, he enjoys learning about the history of the team and the players. He finds joy in seeing his athletes grow, both on the field and as individuals.

When asked what his favorite part of working at Linsly is, Mr. Depew stated, “I enjoy seeing the students grow up over the years and have successes.”

His favorite part is the students! 

Known for being a fun and engaging coach, he delivers a personal touch to his roles. As ice cream is his favorite food, his family makes a traditional homemade ice cream every year for the football team. His favorite sport is football, which is no surprise as he works every year to build a strong team.

If he didn’t work as a teacher or as a football coach, he said, “I would work somewhere in the film industry behind the scenes or potentially I may have tried acting.”

Thank you to Mr. Depew for everything he has contributed to Linsly’s academics and athletics over the years. Your passion and dedication to the students and athletes of Linsly do not go unnoticed. 

By: Alaina Toplovich


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