This year, 2025, is the year of the snake, and in honor of Lunar New Year, students handed out fortunes. The snake symbolizes intelligence, resilience, and love for this new year. To bring in the new year, students involved in Mr. Wallace’s leadership class came up with an initiative to spread good fortunes to the students. On January 30th, students stood at the main entrance of Banes Hall giving out fortunes to kick start the morning. Mr. Wallace helped create the sayings on the fortunes, which made them more unique to our community. The students decided handing out fortunes would strengthen the community by spreading motivation and kindness to the students! Since the students enjoyed the fortunes to start their mornings off right, the girls will plan on making it a regular occurrence in hopes of strengthening their school’s community! The fortunes were a success among the student body and was a perfect day to help bring appreciation to the New Year of the snake!
By Reese Maroney