Mrs. Zatezalo’s View on Current School Events

I interviewed Linsly’s Junior English teacher, Mrs. Zatezalo, about her thoughts on some recent events. First, I asked her about her Spring Break. She replied that it was uneventful, which was a good thing. Spring break gave her time to exercise and read, which she enjoyed.

Then, I was curious to know her thoughts on how she thinks 2021 has been going thus far. In her opinion, it has been positive so far since 2020 was so jarring. She believes that 2021 holds a light at the end of the tunnel, and she is hopeful for the rest of the year. 

Next, I was curious to hear her thoughts about Junior research ending. Mrz. Zatezalo said that she was very proud of all the Juniors and that they all grew as writers throughout the unit. Finally, I wanted to know her thoughts about the upcoming 4th quarter. When asked what she was looking forward to in the final quarter, she said there are lots of things, including the start of spring sports, testing, college preparation, and middle school transitions to the next grade or to upper school. She is excited to see student’s hard work come together at the end of the year. She also said that she loves seeing students reflect on their growth throughout the year during the last week of school. 

In closing, I wanted to give a special thank you to Mrs. Zatezalo for personally helping me improve as a writer in her class and for being an excellent teacher and role model.