Extravaganza Carried by All Our Hearts in 2021

Extravaganza Carried by All Our Hearts in 2021

Friends, teachers, family, alumni, and students come from all over to experience Linsly’s variety show, the Extravaganza. Personally, I will never forget my first Extravaganza. The feeling right before the show begins holds a special place in my heart and always will. There is a murmur across the crowd as the lights begin to flicker, raising butterflies in the students’ stomachs, and excitement like no other clouds everyone’s minds as we are waiting for the show to begin.

Mrs. Foose agrees saying “ Right before the show starts, the opener people get in their place. The audience has a hush come over themselves, and we announce the show is about to start. I get goosebumps every time. My other favorite part of the show is when the seniors all get together and hug at the end as the curtain closes.” These moments hold a special place in Mrs. Foose’s heart too, and the students are what keeps her passion for the show burning.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, Mrs. Foose and the rest of the Linsly community believed there was no way to continue the show this year safely and as passionately as it has been displayed in previous years. They came to this conclusion after realizing the show would not be the same without everyone, including the audience, being able to all be and enjoy the show together. 

This year would have been Mrs. Foose’s 25th year choreographing the Extravaganza. She says if she ever loses her passion for the show she knows it would be time to retire. Her dedication and love for the students and the show is like no other. It is certainly inspiring to see someone love and have so much passion for something. Luckily for future cadets and the Linsly school, she is hoping for next year to be her 25th Extravaganza instead!

Even without the show this year the Extravaganza is always on Mrs. Foose’s mind. She explains, “The students never let me down. They will do their best and I will always be proud of them.” The Extravaganza is incredibly special to so many people because of how many students face the common fear of stage fright. Yet every year they still stand on the Capitol Theatre stage in front of nearly 2,000 people and perform the choreography Mrs. Foose has designed for them, costumes Mrs. Solinika has put together, and music Mr. Wilson and Mr. MacLellan have helped to perfect. Each and every faculty member helps to put this show on in their own ways, and everyone in the Linsly community’s dedication to this show will forever be what sets Linsly apart from other schools. 

Mrs. Foose’s advice to everyone is to enjoy what they have at the moment. She explains, “One year we were dancing on the Capitol Theater’s stage, and the next there was a pandemic!” Hopefully next year we will be able to all be dancing on the Capitol Theater’s stage, and my advice to each and every new or returning student is to take advantage of the moment and the exciting opportunity in front of you by partaking in the show next year. Personally many of my peers and I have made incredible memories from the Extravaganza. We would all like to thank you for these unforgettable memories, Mrs. Foose!