Bon Appetite: The Launch of the Linsly Breakfast Bar

Bon Appetite: The Launch of the Linsly Breakfast Bar

Ms. Leone’s Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship classes have been working for weeks to put together the first ever Linsly Breakfast Bar. The classes have been working hard to get feedback from students on what they’d like to have in the mornings when coming to school. Students were able to send in their ideas and answers in a survey that was put together and sent out by the different period classes. The survey contained many options for students to choose from in order to find out what the most popular items would be. Students could pick from an assortment of choices that ranged from fruit cups and granola bars to coffee and juice!

Survey Results: Most Popular Food Choices

  • 1. Fruit (59%)
  • 2. Pop Tarts (47%)
  • 3. Fruit Snacks (44%)

Survey Results: Most Popular Drink Choices

  1. Fruit Smoothie (60%)
  2. Water (55%)
  3. Apple Juice (47%)

With the results from the survey, the classes have been able to get a better idea on what is next in the process of launching this school wide addition. With the feedback given by the student body, they have been able to find the times that best work for students to stop by and enjoy a snack, while also finding what people would enjoy having the most on early mornings. The Linsly Breakfast Bar hopes to get started within the coming weeks to make mornings tastier and trouble-free!