Thanksgiving Traditions!

Thanksgiving Traditions!

Happy Thanksgiving to the Linsly community! As break is in motion, exciting times with family and friends are spent with a grateful spirit. Have a look in on some of the thanksgiving traditions Linsly faculty and students embark on each year.

To begin, Mrs. Creely explains some of her thanksgiving traditions including her husband getting up at 4am to cook turkey in the smoker. Later in the evening, Mrs. Creely and her daughter, Olivia, work on making the green bean casserole together. Throughout the day, their family watches the Macy’s Day Parade and Dog Show. Furthermore, Mrs. Creely makes sure to complete a 5k with her mother before dinner is served. Mrs. Creely explains her favorite thanksgiving food is stuffing and that she and her family often fight over who gets to keep the leftovers. Mrs. Creely spends thanksgiving with her husband, daughter, parents, and cousins on her mother’s side. Finally, Mrs. Creely explains her favorite parts of Thanksgiving are waking up the the smell of the smoker, leftovers, and that her family is gathered together.

Sophomore Baylie Hinebaugh relates to Mrs. Creely because she and her family also watch the Macy’s Day Parade on Thanksgiving. Not only is the Macy’s Day Parade playing on the TV, her family also makes a tradition out of watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving each year. Additionally, her grandmother gives Baylie and her siblings magazines she has collected so they can each circle their wishlist for black friday. Some of Baylie’s favorite foods include mashed potatoes, cream of chicken noodles, and apple pie for dessert! She spends the holiday with her parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Baylie says her favorite part of thanksgiving is spending time with her family and eating thanksgiving dinner all together.

Lastly, Mrs. Lestini describes one of her most important thanksgiving traditions each year, which includes helping a family in need from Bellaire and delivering Thanksgiving dinner to them. Mrs. Lestini says, “You can’t always help the whole world, but you can help one family or person, and that makes all the difference.” Mrs. Lestini also explains that her husband’s family is Italian, and each year they make stuffing from a recipe that was her husband’s grandfathers. She explains this stuffing is her favorite Thanksgiving dish because it is made with chestnuts, ground sausage, and raisins. Mrs. Lestini spends thanksgiving with her husband, his parents, his sister, their two sons, and sometimes her husband’s other extended family. Overall, Mrs. Lestini says her favorite parts of Thanksgiving are cooking, being in the kitchen, the unrushed feeling of the day, and most of all, spending time with her family.

Have a great Thanksgiving!