Supporting Our Sports

Supporting Our Sports

The Linsly Crew twitter page has been a very popular source of information among students at Linsly. The page announces fun sporting events, their themes, and the time “The Linsly Crew” members should arrive. This past weekend, the student section turnout for the Homecoming football game was very impressive. Students come together to find clothes to match the theme for the games and even coordinate outfits! It is a lot of fun to be in the student section cheering on games with your friends. So this year, the Linsly Crew page decided to encourage this same outstanding support to various other sports teams. The page has even expanded to having an Instagram page this year!  Brooklynn Wayt says “The page spreading awareness for other sports teams that are generally overlooked is really nice to see.” Sports at Linsly are across-the-board so important in building a Linsly student’s experience. Senior Soccer team member, Andrew Skadra says “Seeing my friends enjoying a game that I play makes me really happy. It gives off a great vibe to the players”. The Crew’s help is widely appreciated by all members of various sports teams and does not go unnoticed. Keep up the support Linsly Crew!