Athletes Of The Week: Oscar Sundell & Ava Gainer

Athletes Of The Week: Oscar Sundell & Ava Gainer

The beginning of the school year is a stressful time for everyone. Taking new classes, having to wake up early, meeting new people- it’s all a big change from the relaxing summertime. To add to all of this, student athletes have the pressure of performing well, practices everyday after school, and the long nights of doing homework aftergames. To shine a light on the hardwork and determination of these student athletes, this year a “Athlete of the Week” article will be published each week. 

This week, the athlete that has made his presence known on the field is Linsly Boys’ soccer player Oscar Sundell. Oscar scored two of the three goals in the boys’ victorious home opener against Steubenville, an exciting and definitely memorable moment that he got to share with his whole team. When asked about his successful debut at the Highlands Sport Complex, Oscar said, “It was an amazing feeling, of course, at home too, [it was] the best feeling.” The boys have had a successful season thus far, and we wish them the best of luck. Another big shout out to Oscar for his accomplishments!

Moving away from the men’s athletics, Ava Gainer has had great success on the varsity volleyball team. Recently she has committed to Gannon University to continue her athletic career. She also hit a significant milestone as she surpassed 1,000 assists in her varsity volleyball career. When she was asked what advice she would give to younger athletes who are seeking to play at the collegiate level, she answered, “I would say to just keep reaching out to coaches. One of them will eventually email back, and if there is a school that’s looking at you that you may not be interested in, don’t shut them down. Usually, once one school is looking at you and gives you an offer more schools will follow.” Good luck to the volleyball team as they continue their season and congratulations Ava!

By Haylen Cook and Jensyn Tush