Adjusting To New Environments

Adjusting To New Environments

As we start our fourth week of the school year, it is important to acknowledge the fact that Linsly has students from 24 different countries! Three of these students have answered questions about life in the United States, life at Linsly, and more. 

This is Minh, and she’s from Vietnam. The first question asked was, “how are you adjusting to the United States?” She said, “It’s not hard because I stay in West Virginia; the people here are quite friendly, and the weather is similar to Vietnam.” When she was asked how she likes Linsly, she said, “I think Linsly is a good environment for boarding students, and all of the teachers and students here are so friendly. All the teachers remember each student’s name, and they create a friendly atmosphere for us. The American students are very kind to us.” She also says that she prefers Vietnamese food and does not care for American food.

Alicia is from Spain. She said “I am doing so good in America. I know all of the people. I’m not used to it yet, but I like it so far and I’m so glad to be here. About Linsly, she said, “I love the people, and I am loving the school and all the activities we have; the classes, the teachers, I am liking it.” Lastly, Alicia said she prefers Spanish food, but American food isn’t bad.

Antonio is also from Spain. When asked about America, he said, “I know the people here. They have different cultures than in Spain. I like that.” About Linsly, he said, “I like Linsly because all the people are friendly and kind. He too prefers Spanish food over American food.

The dorming community at Linsly allows students to learn about different cultures firsthand, and it makes for some pretty interesting friendships as well!