Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Harvey

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Harvey

Mrs. Harvey is one of the newest additions to the Linsly community! It is her first year teaching, and she brings her fun and interesting past with her into the chemistry classroom! Mrs. Harvey has degrees in chemistry, chemical engineering, and engineering management. Before Linsly, she worked for 28 years at a chemical manufacturing plant, currently known as Westlake. She was very successful while working there, for she was one of the managers of the plant. About a year ago, Mrs. Harvey started thinking about retiring, but she knew she didn’t want to end her career at the plant. This is when she took interest in the teaching field. She stated, “I want to get more young people interested in sciences, technology, and manufacturing and hopefully increase the number of people in the engineering field.” Mrs. Harvey is very skilled in this field, and we are so excited for her to share her knowledge with the Linsly community! 

Furthermore, Mrs. Harvey explained that she is adjusting to Linsly very well! She was excited to start teaching and explains that she really enjoys it thus far. Mrs. Harvey mentions that she likes the rotating schedule because it is easier on the teachers and students, allowing for a higher performance in the classroom.

Mrs. Harvey doesn’t just stop at teaching; she stays busy with hiking, camping, and being outdoors. She explains that most of all, she is very active with her two children. She loves going to their sporting events, musical concerts, and spending time with them.

We are so excited to have Mrs. Harvey as a new addition to our community. With her accomplished past in chemistry, there is no doubt that she is a great addition to the Linsly School!