A Day in The Life

A Day in The Life

Due to rising COVID-19 cases in the Wheeling area, life as a dormer at Linsly has changed drastically compared to life as a boarder in previous years. This became more evident when the school went online for the week due to a recent COVID-19 case in our Linsly community. The overall schedule changed starting Monday.

Now, each dorm goes up to the school building to get their food based in their allotted time window. Once we have our food, we go back down to the dorm and eat in our own rooms or outside. This is done for all meals of the day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As for a fun thing during these new restrictions, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have started an outdoor workout program for us in which we have the opportunity to go outside and see people from other dorms, while still social distancing, after classes.  Several activities that the dormers participated in this weekend are the debut of “The Coach Wallace Show with Abby” on Friday nights, a scavenger hunt on Saturday, and a hide and seek game on Sunday. 

Photo Credits: Sharon Aristizabal