Boys’ and Girls’ Track Teams Off to a Running Start!

Boys’ and Girls’ Track Teams Off to a Running Start!

Pictured Above: Sophomores Alana Inthirath and Julia Sales Tobias. (Picture Credit: Caitlin Bedway)

Both the men’s and women’s Track and Field teams started their seasons this past week. March 24th was the first meet for the boy’s team, and it was held in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Overall, the boys placed third in the meet and did very well individually.

Jy’Leik Johnson placed first in the 100M with a time of 11.24. Malte Feil and Atley Cowan followed in 3rd and 5th with times of 11.58 and 11.61 respectively. In the 200M, Malte Feil placed second with a time of 23.79. The 4×1 team, made up of Luca Dilorenzo, Nathan Coleman, Atley Cowan, and Malte Feil, won with a time of 45.3. The 4×2 team, consisting of Jy’Leik Johnson, Malte Feil, Santiago Graneros, and Luca Dilorenzo, was also successful. They finished first with a time of 1:36.67.

In the 110M High Hurdles, Colby Gibbons placed first with 16.6. Lane Kendzerski followed in third place with a time of 18.24. Colby continued to lead in the 300M hurdles, finishing with a time of 43.09. Atley came in second place with a time of 46.42. In the 4×110 Shuttle Hurdles, Atley Cowan, Colby Gibbons, Lane Kendzerski, and Clark Szymusiak finished first with a time of 1:04.2. John Paul Jones set a new personal record in the 800M, finishing with a time of 2:14.72. He also finished third in the 400M with a time of 56.72. In field events, Ramello Derr got third in the high jump, reaching 5’8”. Jamie Riedel placed fifth in shot put, throwing a distance of 38’02”. 

Their next meet will take place on Wednesday, April 12th at Bellaire. The girls are eager to open their season, for they have been working very hard these past few weeks. Be sure to support both teams as they continue through the 2023 track season!