Linsly Students Participate in The Viennese Winter Ball Cotillion

Linsly Students Participate in The Viennese Winter Ball Cotillion

Co-written by Bridget Lofstead

In February, many Linsly students were selected to be members of the 2023 Winter Viennese Ball Cotillion. These students were selected based on their volunteer hours for the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra. Students selected from the Linsly School include Trey Prather, Collin Paull, Grace Ridenhour, Quinn McKenzie, Taylor Remp, Sofia Robertson, Megan Maroney, Bridget Lofstead, Aiden Christ, Wyatt Hanes, Kelsey Glessner, John Papadimitriou, and Matt Turak. At the Viennese Ball Cotillion, students danced the waltz with partners and were celebrated for their dedication to the Wheeling Symphony. 

Although the Viennese Ball showcases seniors in the Wheeling area, juniors are given the opportunity to participate as Pages. Linsly’s selected juniors were Katherine Carson, Alyssa Tomlinson, Brooklyn Wayt, Avery Gilman, and Madison Taylor. The Pages assist with greeting guests, selling Intermezzo tickets, and joining the Viennese Ball festivities through the Parade of Deserts. Like members of the Viennese Ball, Pages were selected based on their dedication and volunteer hours towards the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra.

Overall, it was a great night and Linsly is proud to have so many of its students participate in this wonderful event!