Pen Pals Get to Know Each Other

Pen Pals Get to Know Each Other

The National Honor Society’s Character Committee has been working hard on their internship project. This quarter, they decided to write PenPal letters to the entire sixth grade class. Many seniors and juniors volunteered to write a letter and make a new friend. The sixth graders quickly responded with letters back to their PenPal. The second round of letters went out shortly after and relationships were already developing. Mrs. Loudermilk even worked with the committee to schedule a “Meet & Greet” between the sixth graders and their PenPals. It was held on February 13th, so the committee decided to make Valentine’s Day treat bags for the sixth graders. All of the students worked together with their PenPals to make Valentine’s Day crafts as well. They wrapped up the meeting by playing Heads Up 7 Up. It was really nice to see bonds forming between the upperclassmen and the middle schoolers. In a typical school day, interactions between these two groups are rare. The PenPal activity allowed students to branch out and get to know each other. The committee plans to keep sending letters back and forth and hopefully develop new relationships with other younger students!