The Start of a New Extravaganza Season and a Warm Welcome to Mrs. Bond!

The Start of a New Extravaganza Season and a Warm Welcome to Mrs. Bond!

Image Credit: Wheeling Heritage

By Giana Falbo and Kelsey Glessner

The beginning of the New Year signifies the commencement of Extravaganza practices. Up until the big day, which is on Friday, March 3rd this year, students practice tirelessly after school, dancing to the beat of their music. Each act has a unique storyline behind it, accompanied by creative costumes. Along with this, some acts utilize fun props, adding an interesting twist and flair to the routines. These practices, with many of them going late into the night, add some fun to students school day and give them something to look forward to each week!

These routines, however, would not be possible without the amazing staff and faces being the production of the event. With the retirement of Mrs. Solonika and Mrs. Foose, who helped make the Extravaganza into the magical night that it is, Linsly was looking for someone with a spark of imagination and enthusiasm like no other. That someone was found, and that is Mrs. Erin Bond, who has been a perfect fit for this role! Mrs. Bond took over Mrs. Foose’s job, which included creating and choreographing all of the dance routines, and essentially organizing the event.

Mrs. Bond

To provide some background, Mrs. Erin Bond grew up in Marshall County, West Virginia. After high-school, she wanted to attend NYU to pursue her education, but she instead attended The University of Mississippi. She loved her time there, and received a BFA in Theatre Performance. After college, Mrs. Bond went on to perform in places such as Disney World in Florida, New York City, and even on cruise ships.

Mrs. Bond states she always wished she could be a ballerina. Throughout her life, she has danced a variety of dancing styles, such as jazz, tap, and hip-hop. She remarks:

I enjoy creating something that not only entertains, but touches people. I feel passionately about passing my love of theatre, music and dance to the next generation. 

In regards to joining the Linsly family, Mrs. Bond remarks that she has loved joining the school’s community. She states:

It is wonderful to be part of such a supportive team of teachers and administrators. I love my advisory class – I have a great group of freshmen. I have really enjoyed getting to know so many international students too.

Furthermore, she explains that while she feels self-imposed pressure to put together the show, she recognizes that Mrs. Foose has left a legacy that she aspires to live up to.

To conclude, being a part of the Linsly Extravaganza is more than just dancing to music or performing a solo for 2 quick minutes on stage. It is the one night where students of all grades come together and make memories with their classmates. Where parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends watch their loved ones on stage smiling, enjoying their moment to shine. The sense of community is stronger than any other at this event, and the feeling of excitement, along with some jitters, is tangible in the beautiful Capitol Theatre.

If you would ask any student at Linsly what their favorite part of the whole school year is, you will likely find that many say “Extravaganza night.” Below are some students thoughts on this special night!

Extravaganza is one of Linsly’s most prized events, hosting a show for an audience of thousands; eager to watch the show. Excitement from the show radiates from directly from each and every student, right back to the audience. In my opinion the Extravanganza is simply the most honorable event Linsly hosts. I love extravaganza because it is not only enjoyable, but it helps with collaboration, social skills, and so much more. During “extravaganza season” I seem to develop better friendships, talk to peers who I might not usually talk to, and overall enjoy time with my classmates. It truly is an awesome opportunity letting individuals show their talents in any possible fashion. It is extremely fascinating to see other students display their talents or cultures.

Zack Kuttie, 7th Grader

My favorite part of Extrav is how supportive people are of the soloists and how there is no negativity!

Cameron Roberts, 8th Grader

My favorite part of the Extravaganza is watching all of the other acts except my own on the night of the show. It is my favorite part because I already know my act and it is truly a surprise to see the talent of my classmates that I am not dancing with. Every year I am blown away by the Extravaganza. That’s something that makes The Linsly School what it is. This year I am looking forward to seeing how Mrs. Bond is going to keep this tradition going with her own vision.

Kayleigh Whittington, 9th Grade

Finally, here is a sneak peak of the show! Mrs. Bond states that there will be variety, color, and meaning in the show. She enthusiastically remarks:

 It will definitely be an Extravaganza of entertainment!