The Conclusion of a Great Soccer Season

The Conclusion of a Great Soccer Season

As winter approaches, many of the fall sports are coming to an end. Both the boy’s and girl’s soccer teams wrapped up their seasons this past week. The boy’s team finished with a record of 16-1-1, while the girls finished with an 11-9-1 record. For the boys, Stefan Mihajlovic and Diego Gonzalez were the top scorers this season. They had 17 and 15 goals respectively. Cam Neighoff and Wesley Palmer racked up the most assists with 13 and 9 respectively. On the girl’s team, Helen Bossart and Haylen Cook had the most goals. Helen scored 25 goals throughout the duration of the season, while Haylen scored 14. Helen also led the team for most assists with a total of 16. Payton Storch came in a close second with her 10 assists. Both teams worked very hard, and both ended their season with an OVAC Championship. This is a great accomplishment, and it proves how dedicated each team was. As they worked diligently on the field, the soccer teams also focused on team bonding. The boys participated in bowling, and the girls had multiple yoga sessions to destress. Both teams also got together at the Highlands Sports Complex for a team dinner. Following the dinner, the players were able to rock climb and play arcade games. It was a great season for both the boys and the girls soccer teams, and the seniors will be greatly missed. However, everyone is looking forward to what next year will bring for the soccer teams!