Teacher Spotlight: Dr. Coyle

Teacher Spotlight: Dr. Coyle

Dr. Coyle is the new sophomore chemistry teacher for this school year. She received her Ph.D. at West Virginia University, and started teaching as an adjunct professor. She recently graduated from Carlow University with a Master’s in Education with a certification in biology and chemistry. Dr. Coyle decided to teach chemistry because she loves the sciences and likes the idea of always learning something new. When she has free time, she tends to hang out with her family and read. She also likes learning how to cook different foods and making some family favorite dishes. In addition, Dr. Coyle has a STEM programming activity in Washington, PA. It provides different classes for kids including computer, robotics, and science classes. She also has held a STEM fest in September for four years, and says that the program is “A slow process, but an extremely rewarding experience.” We are very happy to have Dr. Coyle in our Linsly family and hope she has a great experience with her teaching.