Yo-Yo Ma at the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra

Yo-Yo Ma at the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra

In an invigorating opening concert, Wheeling Symphony Orchestra impressed with guest stars Yo-Yo Ma and Christylez Bacon. As the very first note was heard, the artist’s passion began to flow through the isles of the theater, bouncing off of walls, and seeping into the hearts of the audience. The audience was drawn in with an unsettling but mystical song that was so special, due to the musician’s proximity to the audience. The strings section of the symphony lined the isles and played among the audience to truly transport each listener into a world of sensory wonder. After such an interesting performance, the audience was on the edge of their seats waiting for the world-renowned Yo-Yo Ma to take center stage. When he did, thunderous applause and a standing ovation began, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience was about to begin. The gracious Yo-Yo Ma is captivating. He is doing what he was born to do, changing lives with every song he plays. The audience was not just privileged enough to enjoy the sweet sounds of the music he played, but also the obvious love he has for his craft. He has the ability to cause such intense emotion with even the slightest movement of his bow or pluck of his fingers. After his beautiful performance, Yo-Yo Ma was joined by the funky and talented Christyles who accompanied Ma’s cello performance with an invigorating beat boxing song. The energy of these two artists grew and grew until the theater seemed to expand with the exuberance of the music. Finally, to end the night, Christylez rapped and beatboxed with the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra to bring the audience something they had never heard before. The story of American music with words and rhymes, but most importantly, the sounds of Africa and the Caribbean. The first night at the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra was joyous, educational, and the perfect start to an exciting season.