Dormers Participate in Trick-or-Treat on Campus!

Dormers Participate in Trick-or-Treat on Campus!

Linsly’s tradition of Trick-or-Treat on campus continued once again this year. However, there were a few slight changes. It wasn’t considered a “Trunk-or-Treat,” as was popularized during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but a more traditional house-to-house Trick-or-Treating experience. This year it was an event only for the boarding students and on-campus residents. The students went Trick-or-Treating around the faculty housing and within the dorms.

Before getting dressed up in their best costumes, the West Virginia Private School students attended a special Halloween-themed dinner in the cafeteria. While Trick or Treating, they were given a map to follow and had a great time going from house to house to show off their costumes and get candy in return. The students’ costumes were very creative, and included Gossip Girl costumes, Spice Girls (with a unique twist), BoJack Horseman, and many more!