Linsly Volleyball Sets Up the Spike to Win OVAC’s

Linsly Volleyball Sets Up the Spike to Win OVAC’s

The looming challenge of OVAC’s is a threat for all of the student-athletes of Linsly, but the Varsity Volleyball team is ready to start their approach for the final kill of the game. 

With a strong record of twelve wins and five losses, setter London Podobnik is confident in her team. “I say we have a good team dynamic… We really understand each other and communicate very well,” Podobnik states. When asked about the team’s outlook on OVAC’s, she is quick to smile. “OVAC’s are definitely in reach for us this year, especially if we keep pushing ourselves and maintain a positive mindset. If we play like the team we know we are, I have no doubt in our performance.” Podobnik goes on to say that “We each have very different personalities, but I think that’s what makes us have a strong connection with each other.”

Volleyball is a mental sport, and an individual’s attitude most certainly can affect an entire team’s gameplay. This is where the stress of teamwork comes in for every team; fortunately, Linsly knows just how to prevail. “Even when one person is down, we always have each other’s back, and we pick up each other when we are down. I believe that when someone needs it, we are very understanding of each other.” Podobnik says. 

The team, however, does not stand alone. The Linsly Community is steadfast in its loyalty, and there are multitudes of people ready to cheer the team on. The Volleyball team has no doubt that no matter the outcome, students, parents, alumni, and other various supporters will be right there to cheer them on until the end. Podobnik can definitely back this up. “Our community of supporters really keeps us up as a team when we are all down. The Parents are especially kind for providing dinner for our team before games too.” With all of this, the ending of the Volleyball season is sure to be bright.