Meet this Year’s Class Officers

Meet this Year’s Class Officers

Introducing Linsly’s 2021-2022 Upper School Class Officers:

Senior Class:

President – Grace Landini

Vice President – Juanita Garcia 

Secretary/Treasurer – Danyelle Dunlevy

Senior class president, Grace Landini, states: “Our goal for this year is to put on a successful and exciting homecoming weekend as well as raise enough money to present a class gift that represents the interests and values of the senior class at the end of the year.” 

Junior Class:

President – Ashton Adams 

Vice President – Giana Falbo 

Secretary/Treasurer – Jack Scouvart

Junior class president, Ashton Adams, states: “The main goal that we have for this year is to create as many fundraising opportunities as possible, while at the same time benefiting the Linsly Community. Since the past year was extremely crazy, it prevented our chances to work on anything. In that case, we are extremely excited to get back to work.”

Sophomore Class:

President – Rachel Edinger

Vice President – Cole Bloomfield

Secretary/Treasurer – Gianna Ferrelli

Sophomore class president, Rachel Edinger, states: “The main goal that I have is to nurture a strong class bond. With covid restrictions in the past year, it was more difficult for both new and old students to bond in ways they have been able to in the past. I would love to work on activities that would bring the whole class together, especially focusing on connections between boarders and day students within the class!”

Freshman Class:

President – Savannah Adams

Vice President – Olivia Rosenthal

Secretary/Treasurer – Caroline Martin

Freshman class president, Savannah Adams, has set the all inclusive goal to fundraise and benefit the freshman class. Adams states, “My goal this year is to have as many fundraisers as possible, but at least 3-4. I want to benefit my class and get everyone involved.”

The Linsly students listed above are all very ecstatic for this upcoming year and their roles as class representatives. They have great intentions and goals set for the many positive differences that they will make in the Linsly Community this school year. Not only are these students honored to represent their class for the 2021-2022 school year, they are also looking forward to the possibilities that their roles as class officers will bring.