Remembering the Children of Theresienstadt

Remembering the Children of Theresienstadt

January 27, 2021 marks the 76th year since the liberation of Auschwitz. After many years, it is important to remember the Holocaust and how it affected the victims of this genocide. Frau Bauer, Linsly’s high school German teacher, teaches her students to remember the Holocaust so it is not repeated in the future. Linsly’s German three students worked to honor the children who died tragically in the Holocaust. Specifically, the students focused on the children who were sent to Theresienstadt. Theresienstadt was a ghetto for children and some adults to be held until they were sent to another concentration camp. Each student read a poem written by a child who was held in Theresienstadt and analyzed it. Each poem was written by a different author. Some authors focused on the grief of the Holocaust, while others described the places they dreamed of escaping to during their most terrifying experiences. Using the poem they chose, students made a collage dedicated to the poem they chose and the author. Each collage included a letter to the author, a butterfly design relating to the poem, and their overall thoughts on the project and poem. Participating in this project provided students with a unique opportunity to sympathize and feel a personal connection with the author. Linsly’s German three class hopes to raise awareness and honor the death of the children in Theresienstadt.