Middle School Stands with Health Care

Middle School Stands with Health Care

Recently, members of Linsly Private School‘s 8th grade Middle School Leadership Council (MSLC) held a fundraising event in honor of National Health Care Worker Appreciation Week. The MSLC hosted a “National Health Care Worker Appreciation Dress Down Day” where, for a small donation, students were allowed to dress casually in blue and white (not in their school uniform) in honor of health care workers. In addition, the MSLC held a door decorating contest to recognize health care workers. The Linsly MSLC then used the proceeds from this fundraiser event to buy healthy, pre-packaged treats and snacks and made-up goodie bags to deliver to Wheeling Hospital health care workers to show their appreciation for all that they do to help our community, especially during the pandemic. On Friday, April 30, members of the MSLC delivered the treat bags to health care workers at Wheeling Hospital.