Entrepreneurs and a Spotlight on their Business: Cliffhanger Reptiles

Entrepreneurs and a Spotlight on their Business: Cliffhanger Reptiles

Running a functioning business while being a full-time student at Linsly isn’t an easy task. However, senior and our very own head editor of the Linsly Line, Blake McNeely, is conquering both of these tasks, and is doing so successfully.

Blake is the owner of Cliffhanger Reptiles, a business whose purpose is to raise and breed happy and healthy bearded dragons. He offers different varieties of bearded dragons, all unique in terms of highly complex genetics and incredible colors. In addition to the bearded dragons, Blake also offers an array of supplies, such as food required in their diets, cleaning supplies and lights for their habitats, and even moisturizer for their scaly exterior! His large shop will surely supply any new bearded dragon owner with everything they will need in order to create a comfortable place for these creatures to live in.

To learn more about Blake’s passion, I asked him what made him start his business. He replied that when he was younger, he always told others that he “wanted to be the boss,” and that as he grew older, he really started to think about what he wanted to do when he got older.

I would bounce between doctor, lawyer, and several other careers. It wasn’t until about a year ago, actually, that I realized I had zero interest in those careers. Instead, I wanted to lead a company.

In 2017, something happened that changed his perspective, and little did he know he would soon fulfill his childhood aspiration. He bought Ruger, a bearded dragon that made his interest in the species take off. After much research and deliberation, Blake knew that breeding bearded dragons was something he could get involved in, and in 2018, he bought 35 of them to kick-start his young company at the time.

Blake said the most rewarding part of running Cliffhanger Reptiles is that breeding bearded dragons allows him to be genetically creative. He remarked that he loves to observe the reptiles development from young hatchlings to adults. As a breeder, Blake finds it exciting to see the different variations of colors and patterns that are produced in each new breeding cycle. He compares what he does to an artist, commenting:

I like to think that being a bearded dragon breeder is similar to being an artist in the most fundamental sense.

Be sure to check out Blake’s impressive website! Click on the link below: