Reminiscing While Adapting to a New Reality- Senior Spotlight

Reminiscing While Adapting to a New Reality- Senior Spotlight

As we all know, this year has definitely not been what most of us expected, especially for the graduating class of 2021. While they are missing out on what many people believe to be a “typical senior year,” many seniors are still finding ways to make the best of it, like Molly Heron.

Molly has been at Linsly since freshman year and since then has thrown herself into every opportunity Linsly has presented to her. Over the years, she has been a part of the Drug-Free Club, SADD Club, Photography Club, and even started the Ski and Snowboard Club. As for sports, she has lettered all four years in cross country, basketball, and track. Molly has definitely been a major part of the Linsly community during her time here, whether it is as a teammate, classmate, or leader, she is always willing to do what needs to be done.

According to Molly, her biggest accomplishment at Linsly thus far was winning the OVAC Girls Cross Country Championship for the first time in school history. She explained that “ The passion and work ethic of that team was something I will never forget. Our determination at every practice was unbelievable and our willingness to push each other as runners only made everyone better. It was truly the best environment I have been in and I will never forget the moment we were called up to receive our award.”

Another unforgettable experience for Molly during her time at Linsly has been the annual Extravaganza, which gave her an opportunity to be on stage just as she always wanted. She described the experience perfectly when she said, “Although it is nerve-racking, it’s also overwhelmingly thrilling at the same time! Being able to dance with other students on stage in front of a Wheeling community audience is something no other high schooler gets to do, it is just such an amazing opportunity, it truly gives everyone a chance to shine.”

Moving forward, Molly plans to study on the pre-med track, as well as run or play basketball in college. Following college, she plans to attend medical school. In addition, Molly would “love a career serving children and helping them for the better,” which is why she wants to become a pediatrician.

While Molly has big plans for herself once she leaves the Linsly community, she is not quite ready to let go of the life that she has created in the past four years. In these next few months, Molly looks forward to getting back to in-person classes and spending time with her classmates and friends, making the most of this crazy senior year.