Holiday Baking Traditions: My Family’s Pizzelle Cookie Recipe

Holiday Baking Traditions: My Family’s Pizzelle Cookie Recipe

Christmas is around the corner, and the holiday spirit brings up many traditions, some being in the kitchen. Each family has their own traditions that tie back to their culture, and something my family makes every year is pizzelle cookies. Ever since I’ve been a child, there have been pizzelle cookies in the kitchen all season long. My mother inherited my great-grandfather’s pizzelle press, and we use his original recipe to make them. Here is how you could make them for your family! 

You will need a pizzelle press for this recipe. Yields 60. 


6 Eggs

3 ½ Cups Flour

1 ½ Cups Sugar

1 Cup of Margarine ½ LB (Don’t use more than 1 cup or an oil substitute)

4 Tsp. Baking Powder

2 Tbsp. Vanilla and/or Anise

Beat eggs, adding sugar gradually. Beat until smooth. Add cooled melted margarine and vanilla/anise. Sift flour and baking powder, and add to the egg mixture. The dough will be sticky enough to be dropped by spoon.

Drop a spoonful of batter onto the heated pizzelle press, wait until they are golden brown, then carefully remove and place pizzelle on a baking sheet. Now you should have plenty of delicious pizzelle cookies perfect for Christmas!