AP Government Holds Linsly’s 2020 Mock Election

AP Government Holds Linsly’s 2020 Mock Election

Every four years, Mr. Brubaker’s AP Government students hold a mock presidential election. This past week those students have been getting our student body ready for Tuesday, November 3rd. Three government class periods were put in charge of different events in order to hold the most realistic election possible. One class was in charge of the debates, one class was in charge of registration, and one class was in charge of voting.  

As for the debate, the vice presidential debate was held October 29th. Candidates, Colton Cybulski as Vice President Mike Pence and Erica Edinger as Senator Kamala Harris, voiced their views on how they will signify their time in office. The moderator who provided a variety of topics about what is happening in our country was Mariah Doughty as Susan Page. 

The next day, on October 30th, the presidential candidates, Hayden Bozich as President Donald Trump and Ben Weimer as Vice President Joe Biden, went head to head. The moderator for this debate was Emily Coram as Kristen Welker and she asked questions on topics such as the economy, climate change, and violence in cities.

The registration form was emailed to all of the students and faculty members after the final debate. Like always, in order for their voice to be heard, students/faculty had a deadline to complete the form, which was Monday, November 2nd at 12 pm. 

Like most of the country, the school voted on the 3rd of November. 147 people casted their vote. The overall majority vote was for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 59.2%. Both Trump and Pence will remain in the White House for the next four years and carry out their second and final term, according to Linsly’s mock election.