The Linsly community launched a new weekly initiative called “Project PB&J” aimed at fostering community involvement and providing support to those in need. Every Thursday, a group of dedicated students gather to prepare sandwiches and pack lunches for the local homeless population. The meals – consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and other snacks – are then delivered on Friday morning with the help from the local organization “Street Moms,” ensuring that they reach those in need just in time for lunch on Friday.
Project PB&J has met three times so far this year, providing over 150 meals. Students plan to continue making lunches through the winter months, helping to address hunger and building a better, more compassionate community.
Lexington Independents helped kickstart Project PB&J with a monetary donation. Any Linsly student can sign up to help assemble lunches, and if anyone is interested in donating snacks or supplies to Project PB&J, a box is set up in the cafeteria.
By: Bridget Zimmerman