Welcoming Dormers to Linsly

Welcoming Dormers to Linsly

As the Linsly School enters their 2024-2025 school year, day students as well as dormers have experienced many changes. Whether coming to a new school or coming from across the world, many things may appear different for these students. 

Martina Hortas, a returning dormer, states, “I am happy to be back and excited for the new year!”

She has noticed some changes, as she attended Linsly last year, including growth in the dorming community.  She has many more girls living with her which takes some time to get used to. Not only that, but as dormers begin to eat dinner, they must wait until everyone has been seated. Lastly, the card system has been used throughout the dorms when purchasing snacks and meals. Dormers now have a wide selection of snacks that they can choose from whenever they would like. Linsly knows these changes will help create a better dorming community and are excited to see the positive impact they have on the students!

By: Marlee Smith