Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Nau

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Nau

This year, the Linsly School welcomed Mrs. Nau as the new Pre-calculus and Mathematical Finance teacher. 

Mrs. Nau grew up here in Wheeling, WV, and attended Wheeling Central Catholic High School. She studied at West Liberty University, and got her graduate degree at Marshall University.

Mrs. Nau always knew that she wanted to be a teacher. Before Linsly, Mrs. Nau taught at Brooke High School, Wheeling Park High School, and Warwood Middle School. Mrs. Nau was actually planning on going into retirement, until an opportunity opened up at Linsly. Even at a very young age, Mrs. Nau would force her younger brother to play school in their basement, where she had books and chalkboards. She taught her brother the alphabet and even how to read some words before he went to kindergarten. Mrs. Nau decided she wanted to be a math teacher because she wants to make the subject fun and exciting. 

Outside of the classroom, Mrs. Nau has two children, a daughter that lives in Italy and a son who was in the Marines. Additionally, one of Mrs. Nau’s favorite hobbies is trail running. She says that running has brought her an incredibly supportive community and many good friends. 

Overall, Mrs. Nau loves teaching her students, and is very excited for the rest of this school year at Linsly. 

By: Evangeline Yendell


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