Successful Weekend for Cross Country

Successful Weekend for Cross Country

On Saturday, August 31, Linsly’s cross-country teams competed at the Martins Ferry Invitational. The meet brought in numerous local teams and an abundance of enthusiastic crowd supporters. The race was a challenging 3.1-mile course with numerous hills, and the high humidity of the day made the race that much more testing for the runners. 

The middle school girls were the first race of the morning. Eighth grader Teanna Galberth had an outstanding race and finished in first place with a time of 13:50! Additionally, Parker Sobota placed an impressive ninth place overall! 

Next up were the high school boys. The Linsly runners were on fire, as the top seven runners all placed in the top 25 of the entire meet. In turn, they placed first among 16 schools! Notable performances include Micah Kramer (5th), Jakob Schmidt-Weigand (6th), and Darrien Bertrum (12th).

The high school girls ran in the worst of the heat, but they all persevered with a strong finish. The team placed fifth out of 17 schools. Top finishers include Ilayna Murray (11th), Bridget Zimmerman (23rd), and Olivia Rosenthal (24th).

Overall it was a successful day for all teams! The Linsly runners race again on September 7 at the Dover Invitational.

By: Bridget Zimmerman

1 Comment

  1. Kristina Kramer

    Way to go Linsly XC! Great article Bridget Zimmerman! Well-done.

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