DTE Class Starting the Semester Strong

DTE Class Starting the Semester Strong

This semester’s DTE class has just started up. So far, they have continued running the Breakfast Bar. Also, the class has had one Friday Feature so far, which was brownies. They were a hit, selling out before the advisor period even began! DTE hopes to continue to do this every Friday of the week.

In addition, the class have also begun our process of understanding the ideals that go into design, thinking, and entrepreneurship. These ideals are as follows: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The students will continue to learn about these until we are ready to move on into helping out with a local business.

Finally, DTE has started our interviewing process. So far, students have interviewed Marc Mataya, owner of Leaf Burrito, who hopes to work with Linsly in the future. Marc was able to tell the class all about patents, including why they are helpful and necessary when creating a new product.

Tune back in next time for more updates on the DTE class!