Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Neff

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Neff

This is the first year Ms. Jennifer Neff has taught at The Linsly School. She teaches English for our freshman class. She has loved teaching since she was little and would help her teachers grade papers, or just play teacher to students any chance she got. When she got older, she got a degree in Criminal Justice and worked at the U.S Marshall Service. After working there for a while, she ended up going back home to try to become a federal agent. She wasn’t able to work in the field, however, due to her eyesight.

During her time at West Liberty University, she had taken an English II course allowing her to have the opportunity to teach if she wanted to. Her English professor had pushed her to do the best she could and inspired her to push her future students as he did. She spent two years at Marshall University earning her Master’s in English with concentrations in 20th-Century America Literature and Linguistics. Currently, she is seven credit hours away from getting a Master’s in Special Education. In total, she has taught for fifteen years, one-year teaching juniors at another school, six years juniors, and dual college credit English classes.

She worked for two years as an adjunct college professor at West Virginia Northern and West Liberty and also taught at a middle school for seven years. She has the honor of being a National Board Certified Teacher, which is impressive on many levels.

Ms. Neff chose to teach English for a number of reasons, the first being that she had always excelled in English as a high school and middle school student. She also developed a love for reading in college and was really able to understand and analyze the books she read. She really wants to be able to help her students develop new characteristics and be an overall inspiring role model to them.

Outside of school, she is quite active as well, and she likes to do outdoor activities. Ms. Neff does Crossfit/weightlifting, white water rafting, camping, and hiking.

We are very happy to have her as a new addition to our community and hope she feels welcomed and appreciated while she teaches here!