Senior Leadership Students Spend Time at Local Animal Shelter

Senior Leadership Students Spend Time at Local Animal Shelter

Students Jy’Leik Johnson, Giana Falbo, and Celia Demarchi pictured above.

On Thursday, January 19th, three seniors ventured out to the Belmont County Animal Shelter to volunteer and spend time with the animals. These seniors are a part of the Community Service leadership group, which strives to become more involved in the local community through volunteerism. The students in this select group have been volunteering for the past month at the shelter, with rotations sent each week. Along with this, the group donated tie-blankets to the shelter to keep the animals warm and cozy during the cold winter season. In the future, the leadership group plans to volunteer at other places in the community, such as the Soup Kitchen.

Overall, the students have enjoyed this opportunity and have loved brightening the days of the animals!

Two of the cute, adoptable cats at the shelter!