Linsly Student and Teacher Participate in Play Together

Linsly Student and Teacher Participate in Play Together

John Papadimitriou and Frank Wilson are performing in a play together called “The Curious Savage.” “The Curious Savage” is the story of an elderly widow named Mrs. Savage, whose husband has left her 10 million dollars. She intends to give the entire fortune away to people who wish to pursue their “foolish dreams,” but her stepchildren strongly object. As the play opens, the stepchildren are in the process of committing her to a mental institution.

Mr. Wilson is a theater arts teacher and has directed school plays before. John Papadimitriou is a senior this year and has acted in several of the plays the Linsly School has produced. In “The Curious Savage” Mr. Wilson plays Titus Savage, who is the oldest stepchild of the widower, and John Papadimitriou plays Jeff, one of the “guests” at the Cloisters Institution. The show is at Towngate theater in downtown Wheeling and is being shown on Friday and Saturday. Come support these two inspiring actors this weekend. You can get tickets at the Towngate theater website. We hope to see you there!