Halloween is Ending?

Halloween is Ending?

Just like that, before it even began, Halloween ended.

As said in the last entertainment post regarding the movie Smile, today will be briefly covering the newest movie in the Halloween franchise.

This movie takes place four years after the last appearance of the main antagonist, Michael Myers. The main protagonist, Laurie Strode, is living with her granddaughter. Eventually, she realizes that she needs to start really living again, freeing herself from the fear weighing her down. However, violence and terror ensue after a man is accused of murdering the child he was babysitting. 

Myers then takes this young man in, as a mentor, genuinely trying to be nice and help him. Then, Laurie is again faced with the ever-haunting nightmare of Myers. She knows she has to face the issues head-on and find a way to stop him for good.

The plot sounds interesting, with some well-developed characters and points. However, reviews for this movie are horrendous…

The movie was excessively advertised and eagerly anticipated, and it did not meet the high standards fans had. Overall, they thought the kills could have been handled better, along with (spoiler alert) the death of the long-time series villain, Michael Myers. People have noted that the beginning of the movie was very boring and slow, and the ending was very anti-climactic.

Out of 2,820 people, the movie has a 1.9-star average rating and a 5/10 rating from IMBD. These ratings are very low for the series; it is the lowest-ranked movie in the Halloween franchise.

Again, the media has its special way of depicting things, so please, form your thoughts and opinions before going off of what someone else says. See the movie, watch reviews or summaries, or even just read about the plot more in-depth.

The general media and public are leaving bad reviews and hating the movie, but do not let that deter you if you think you will enjoy the movie.

That is all for Halloween Ends, and next week holds something even more exciting! Taylor Swift is releasing her tenth studio album, Midnights.

It is branching out from spooky season, but it is an important moment in the media and entertainment industry. Only a couple more Midnights before the review! 

Have a great week, watch Halloween Ends, and stream Midnights on and after October 21, 2022.