Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Einolf

Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Einolf

Mr. Einolf is a new math teacher in the lower school at Linsly. He teaches Algebra I. He previously worked part-time with Parkview Health while completing his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Washington and Jefferson College.

His hobbies include playing soccer, golfing, working out, and watching sports. He faced a few challenges when he came to Linsly. One was the move to a new area. His main challenge, however was learning about independent schools. This was due to the fact that he attended public schools while growing up. When moving to Linsly, he was surprised to find that fifth through twelfth graders were all in the same building. He was also very surprised by the Extravaganza and how impressive the performances were.

The aspect he struggled the most with was ensuring he could be the best teacher possible for his students, as the success of his students is highly important to him. The biggest difference between Linsly and his previous schools is the idea of a boarding atmosphere. When asked about how he felt about working at a new school Einolf stated, “I have enjoyed the opportunity to work at Linsly, and I am grateful for the way that the community has accepted me into the Linsly family. Working at Linsly is a very unique experience. Due to the small class sizes, I feel that I can make a difference in the students’ lives.” Mr. Einolf looks forward to the next few weeks with his students and is excited to see how they have progressed throughout the year.