New Community Service Program at Linsly: 2nd & 7 Foundation

New Community Service Program at Linsly: 2nd & 7 Foundation

Linsly has recently become involved in the 2nd & 7 Program, an organization that promotes reading and providing positive role models to children. The charitable program has spread throughout the entire country and is now part of many different schools. It was originally founded by three former Ohio State football players. It is led by upper school student-athletes and it promotes a focus on reading in young children while also encouraging students to partake in sports and athletics. 

The program is new to Linsly and was brought to the attention of the athletic director, Mr. Depew, by senior Kalee Smith. The group made their first visit to the nearby Wheeling Country Day School, where they met with the second-grade class and spent roughly 45 minutes with them reading stories, having group discussions, and getting to know one another in order to develop better relationships.

Smith shared her thoughts on the program coming to Linsly and how she feels the first visit went: “I am thankful to Mr. Depew for assisting me in bringing the 2nd & 7 program to Linsly. We are the first and currently the only school in West Virginia participating in the program. I believe our visit to Wheeling Country Day went well and the children were very well behaved. The book we read to the students was ‘The Hog Mollies and the Amazing Aquatic Adventure’. Each time we visit the school every second grader receives one of the ‘Hog Mollies’ books we are sent by 2nd & 7 and gets to keep them. I am very proud and blessed to be the leader of this program. I am confident this will be easily sustainable and I hope the future athletes of Linsly will continue this very enjoyable and worthwhile program. There is a lot of interest being expressed from our student-athletes who want to volunteer as positive role models within their community.”

The group plans to make one visit each month for the rest of the school year. Hopefully, it will continue to be a success and be continued by future students athletes in years to come. Thank you, Kalee, for bringing this great opportunity to our school!