Are You Looking for a New Young Adult Book to Read?

Are You Looking for a New Young Adult Book to Read?

If you are looking for a fictional young adult novel about a dystopian society, you should consider reading Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. This novel, the first of a trilogy of the same name, narrates the life of 17-year-old Juliette, a girl who was locked in an insane asylum for her supernatural powers. Juliette’s touch has the power to paralyze and kill anyone who dares to touch her. The government believes that Juliette and her ability is dangerous and places her in the asylum after she accidentally kills a young boy by touching him. Juliette’s family also neglected her and was scared of what she was capable of doing, even though she had no manner of control over her powers. Juliette struggles with her sanity while she is locked in the asylum because of her anger and fear of herself. All she wants is to be able to feel human touch without hurting someone. She wants to feel the love and affection that she was not able to experience her entire life because of her power.

“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.”

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Juliette then meets a boy named Adam, who miraculously can touch her without being pained, and they work together to escape the dystopian society they are trapped in. Adam fills the hole that has been present in Juliette’s life and the sadness created by her special ability. Adam and Juliette face many tribulations as they try to navigate the messy world that they live in, but ultimately they survive through their love and acceptance of each other. Additionally, this novel a features some very interesting writing techniques. To show the indecisiveness and anxiety of the main character, Juliette, and the author, Mafi, features many lines that are scratched out, which represent the many ideas Juliette has and her difficulty facing her own thoughts and desires.

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