Annual Food Drive Comes to an End

Annual Food Drive Comes to an End

The National Junior Honor Society recently concluded its annual food drive. The food drive lasted throughout the month of November and will benefit the local food banks in the Wheeling area.

By the end of the month, students had brought in almost 700 nonperishable food items! Head of the Linsly chapter, Mrs. Welch, was asked how she felt about the outcome of the food drive. “I think the drive was incredibly successful.  Our students are generous every year for the food drive, providing hundreds of items that will help families throughout the community,” said Welch.

The food drive was organized by Ms. Lisa Werner. When asked her opinions about the outcome of the drive she stated, “The students never cease to amaze me with their generosity and caring. As I took the photo in the library, the students shared with me what it means to them to help others. I had tears in my eyes because they give me hope for the future.” The food drive was a great success for 2021, and the students are looking forward to participating again next year!