Bon Appétit: Members of French Club Hold Cheese Tasting

Bon Appétit: Members of French Club Hold Cheese Tasting

On Wednesday, November 3rd, the Linsly French Club held a cheese tasting during A-Block. Planned by the club members, president Chelsea Och, and faculty advisor Mrs. Brutto, the event was a great success. Cheese is an integral part of French cuisine, and the club was excited to try all of the various types. Boursin, Brie, Babybel, and Goat cheese were the favorites of the tasting, and were paired with baguettes, toasted crackers, and freshly baked croissants. Throughout the event, students enjoyed conversing about their favorite cheeses, and were enthusiastic to learn more about the food in France.

Och remarks:

“As president of the club, I knew I wanted to make sure everyone enjoyed what we did. Bringing back the cheese tasting after 2 years of being virtual was hard, but we all pulled through and made it happen.”

Overall, the French Club was very pleased with the event, and they hope to hold more events like this in the future to learn more about French culture and food in addition to the language!