Group of Alumni Shares Secrets of Success with Linsly Students

Group of Alumni Shares Secrets of Success with Linsly Students

On a Friday afternoon after an exciting spirit week, Linsly students had the honor to be able to hear several alumni of the school talk about their experiences both at Linsly and in their careers. Speakers Steve Thompson, Mike Purpura, Gene Irisari, Kermit Cook, Nicole Stephens, and Megan Gonivan traveled back to their high school alma mater and shared both their hardships and successes with the upper school students, and how Linsly prepared them for their successful careers both locally and globally. 

From CEOs of large companies far across the country to local pioneers dedicated to making the Ohio Valley thrive, there was something for every student to take away after the panel. 

One of the biggest messages students were told was to get out of one’s comfort zone, and to be able to step up as a leader when it is needed the most. Fortunately, Linsly students are challenged every day, and being able to take initiative becomes natural by the time one walks across the stage at graduation. 

Alumni also provide lots of opportunities to Linsly students. The panelists were happy to offer their assistance to any student that may be interested in their field, and also even a possibility at a future job opportunity. Students were encouraged to take risks, even if it meant failure, and to get back up again and have the grit to keep pushing forward. 

To this day, Linsly’s motto of “Forward and No Retreat” still stands, after its rich history and thousands of ambitious students have passed through the school and put the curriculum to the test. It is a privilege to be so closely connected with alumni, making the Linsly community a closer family than it ever has been before.