Student Artists in the Spotlight: Rachel Edinger

Student Artists in the Spotlight: Rachel Edinger

A passionate artist, intelligent student, wise soul, and lover of all things vintage… This is Rachel Edinger.

Edinger has lived most of her life in Wheeling, WV and is currently a sophomore at The Linsly School. Not only is Edinger a First Honors student at Linsly and the sophomore class President, but she is also a part of the Advanced Art Program. She was accepted into this select course just after her freshman year, where she has already shown her love for art through many beautiful works.

A few of these projects include her self portrait, which is entitled “The Region” (pictured to the right above), and her pen and ink drawing that displays an image of her bedroom. Over the summer, Edinger worked months on end to perfect these two pieces, which can both be found hanging in the main hallway of Banes Hall. Edinger states: “I genuinely enjoyed working on them every day. With art, sometimes I find it hard to wake up and get it done, but with these pieces I was just having so much fun.”

Rachel Edinger was born with a true passion for art, and it has been a part of her life ever since she can remember. Edinger recalls: “I knew from the beginning that art was something that I wanted to grow my skills in. I noticed myself spending a lot of time on my art in the second grade, when I would fill notebooks with many different sketches and drawings.” In addition to this, Edinger also mentions that art is a huge stress reliever for her.

Outside of art, Rachel loves to thrift and style vintage/discarded clothing, write short stories and poems, play the guitar and violin, visit flea markets, and take hiking adventures. Along with these hobbies, Rachel also spends her time as a member of the Linsly Girls Varsity Tennis team, who recently won the OVAC Championship in the 1A-4A division. With all of Edinger’s hobbies, art is surely her favorite, and she hopes to pursue it in her future as she continues to grow and push her boundaries as a creator.