Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Success At OVAC Championships

Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Success At OVAC Championships

By Helen Bossart, Katherine Carson, and Brooklynn Wayt

This past Saturday, the Linsly girls soccer team brought home an OVAC title for the Cadets.  The game was dedicated to the former Coach Darryl Crews, who sadly passed away this year. Players and coaches wore armbands and played in honor of him.  Coach Crews’ last year of coaching was in 2019, when he led the girls to a victory in the OVAC championship.  This year, the team wanted to make sure they brought home another win in memory of him.   

The girls stuck to this goal and dominated Steubenville Catholic Central, ending the game with a score of 6-1. Scoring began for the Cadets when Payton Storch dropped a cross towards the front post that was finished by senior captain, Kailyn Wilson.  Freshman Haylen Cook scored two additional goals giving the team a strong lead and making the score 3-0. Additional goals were scored by Brooklynn Wayt and Paula Granados. To finish off, Africa Roman was able to score a header goal from a corner kick. Meanwhile, Steubenville’s only goal was scored on a penalty kick. 

The boys’ team had a tough game against Trinity. They played a head-to-head match that ultimately led to a shootout. The boys were up 1-0 in the first half with a great goal by Ashton Adams. Unfortunately, the opposing team scored a lucky goal on a corner kick late in the second half by an open player. The tie continued through overtime resulting in a shootout. The score came close, but sadly ended with the Linsly team down by one.

Overall, the girls’ work ethic, enthusiasm, and determination paved their way to success and allowed them to bring home yet another OVAC trophy.  The girls still have more to their season, and they will continue to persevere in their final 7 games. The boys will continue their season and keep their heads held high, hopeful to make a comeback.