Poem: For One More Dream

Image filed under Creative Commons by Grapevine.

Everyone has that one thing

Everyone has that one person they miss more than anything

And everyone has probably taken something they loved more than anything 

For granted 

What if you could just go back and see that person one last time?

What if that person was still alive?

What if you would have treated them differently?

What if? What if? What if?

Now I could go on and on about how much that person loves…or loved you,

But you’ve probably heard it a million times. 

How about one more time?

That love they provide “is the purest love you can find on earth” (Albom)

These are the people that support dreams and success

There is no way to pay back that kind of love and support 

Some think you can pay it back

You could possibly pay it back by succeeding in these dreams

What if you don’t succeed? 

They will love and support you just as they did before