Teachers in the Spotlight: Dr. Link

One of Linsly’s newest additions to the science department is Dr. Jeffrey Link, who will be teaching tenth grade chemistry. He will also be coaching middle school swimming and robotics. Dr. Link formerly taught at the Kents Hill School for five years in central Maine before he came to Linsly. At Kents Hill, he taught Chemistry, AP Chemistry, and Forensics. Outside of the education arena, Dr. Link has coached fencing and assisted coaching in basketball and football.

He also founded and was in charge of a model rocketry club. Even earlier in his science career, he has worked in a lab for drug discovery. Dr. Link is a very interactive teacher and loves helping students with any chemistry questions they have. One of his favorite things to discuss is reactivity. Dr. Link enjoys teaching and he provides a more hands on chemistry class.

He states that, “Reactivity is fun to talk about, but I think the point comes through clearer if you can show them the difference between calcium fizzing when dropped into water and sodium catching on fire in the same water.” 

Dr. Link has some interesting hobbies such as fly fishing, gardening, stargazing, and occasionally going on backpacking trips. Dr. Link has a wife named Christina, whom he has been married to for twenty-six years, and two daughters, Becca and Jessica. His daughter Becca is twenty-two years old and works in Seattle. His daughter Jessica is eighteen years old and she plans to take a gap year after high school and to later attend Wooster College.

Dr. Link is appreciative of his youth, and enjoys doing wild, intriguing activities. He used to eat fire and ride a unicycle, and he has created a twenty-six times stuffed Oreo. His favorite book is Walden by Henry D. Thoreau, and his favorite food is lobster. His favorite music is 1980’s Alternative Rock such as REM, The Cure, Ramones, and many more. So far, Dr. Link has truly been enjoying his time at Linsly. He loves the beautiful campus, the kids, and his fellow teachers.