Honoring Linsly’s Unsung Hero – Project Respect

Honoring Linsly’s Unsung Hero – Project Respect

Despite the struggle of COVID-19, the middle school leadership council was able to carry out the tradition of Project Respect. This year’s honoree, chosen by the MSLC, was the school librarian, Mrs. McCamic. After working at Linsly for over 20 years, Mrs. McCamic will be retiring, making her the perfect candidate to be named this year’s unsung hero at Linsly.

The group of 8th-grade leaders worked hard to create a special day for Mrs. McCamic by putting on a car wash in order to raise the necessary money. After weeks of preparation and planning, they were successful in honoring Mrs. McCamic last Friday by treating her to a special lunch completed with a parade of all Linsly students and faculty thanking her for her dedication to the school. The MSLC was even able to get Mrs. McCamic’s family to join in the celebration to show that her work at this school does not go unnoticed. 

On behalf of the Linsly Line Newspaper Staff, thank you Mrs. McCamic for everything you have done to make this school a better place.