Back at it Again and Better than Ever

Back at it Again and Better than Ever

We are taking this school year as an opportunity to start anew after a year deeply impacted by COVID-19.  The Linsly boarding community is now represented by more countries, newer amenities, and new faculty members on campus. Also, off-campus activities, which were a customary part of the Linsly boarding experience in previous years before the pandemic, have resumed. 

With the easing of restrictions to get in and out of the country, we were able to have more international students on campus this year. The 27 countries represented in our boarding community are: Italy, Finland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Netherlands, Serbia, Montenegro, Israel, Kazakhstan, China, India, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Canada, the Bahamas, Ireland, Ukraine, Denmark, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Belgium, Thailand, Cameroon, and the U.S.A. 

In addition to new students, we have several new faculty members and their families staying on campus!  Mr. and Mrs. Wojcik, Mr. and Mrs. Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. Upton, and Ms. Holt are now residing in campus housing and are happy to be a part of our community. 

Thanks to several generous donations, we were able to upgrade our campus by adding new amenities, including washers and dryers that were recently installed in all four dorms. They allow us to efficiently wash our clothes, seeing as they work better and have a target tub that tolerates more clothes in a single cycle. Along with their ability to be used more, the washers and dryers have specific functions that enable us to wash heavy duty items such as sheets, comforters, pillows, and towels. 

Along with the new items which increase functionality, the dorms also received new TVs, couches, tables, gaming systems, and decorations to increase community engagement. These new additions have made the dorms a more comfortable environment to hang out in, study, and relax. 

As an extra bonus, we are extremely glad to have the opportunity to have activities off of campus again. We have already taken advantage of this opportunity that used to be a customary part of the Linsly boarding experience pre-COVID by going to the mall, the movies, the bowling alley, and almost all of Linsly’s sporting events off-campus!  

Media Credits: Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Wallace and Riku Vilenius