Linsly Finishes Strong with Cross Country

Linsly Finishes Strong with Cross Country

The boys’ and girls’ cross country teams both concluded a great season at the O.V.C.C.L. championships hosted by Buckeye Local last weekend. The runners had an amazing turnout, and all Linsly competitors finished the season with a new personal record.

Both Haley Heitz and Ally Hicks placed in the top ten and finished under twenty-one minutes, while the boys’ team had five runners finish under nineteen minutes.

Linsly Cross Country Runners
Runners Haley Heitz and Ally Hicks.

The middle school teams also showed great perseverance last weekend, with Haylen Cook placing first overall for the girls. The runners worked hard every day and showed amazing improvement throughout the season. It will be exciting to see what they continue to accomplish next year.